Reasons to Object

The applicant has recently submitted new documents in February 2025. The deadline for comments/objections has been updated to March 30th 2025.  However, all objections will still be considered up until the decision date (as yet unknown). Even if you have already submitted an objection, it is important that you do so again based on the revised planning documents.

In the opening statement made by Saira Kabir Sheikh KC representing WNC against the appeal by DHL relating to the AL2 development [DHL warehouses at Towcester] she stated 'it is also telling that this proposal has attracted over 1000 objections. This is not a matter to be lightly dismissed. It is a further barometer of the objectional nature of this scheme. The proposal will have harmful consequences for those in this community who will have to bear the impacts on a day to day basis'

Although the number of objections cannot determine an outcome, a high number of objections will make the deciding planning committee members think.

Full details of the planning application and supporting documents can be found on the link below. (You'll need to register to object, which takes only 30 seconds):


Or you can email to planning@westnorthants.gov.uk 

or write to: Planning Department, West Northampton Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

Always include the Planning Reference Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA

Below is a summary of the many reasons to object to this unsuitable development. Click on each title for more detailed info.

We have also now reviewed all the recently-submitted documents, a summary of which can be found via the link directly below. (However, your comments to the council should still include any of the reasons in the main section below that you're concerned about, even if you have written previously):

Summary of New Documents 2025

Ensuring that new development is focussed in sustainable settlements whilst protecting the overall rural character of the area and including the tranquillity of areas which have remained relatively undisturbed by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value.”

West Northants Council Local Plan Part 1


  • 7 HGV loading bays could mean nearly 3000 additional trucks PER DAY on the A508, A5 and A422

  • In addition: 87 HGV parking spaces, 847 parking spaces for cars, disabled parking, cycles and motorcycles will make congestion even worse

  • Old Stratford roundabout is already 7% over capacity. National Highways have said the development will increase traffic here

  • Traffic from the A5 (Including HGVs) will have to turn right across the A508 at a ghost junction across the already dangerous A508.

  • Further land has been approved to increase size of The Gateway development at junction 15, adding further heavy traffic to the A508

  • There is no apparent consideration from the planners or the council regarding traffic generated by other proposed developments in the area and their impact on the development

  • The planners Transport Assessment for alternative transport recommends use of local bus services which have been cancelled for some time

  • Developers predict negative traffic growth and, with WNC, won’t assess traffic issues until after 2031!


  • Major loss of soakaway in a WNC Flood Zone, leading to the risk of increased flooding in Stony Stratford and downstream in Newport Pagnell

  • Developers propose enlarging the culvert under the canal, disregarding the Environment Agency’s warning that this would worsen flooding risks by accelerating water flow to the Ouse

  • The developer's plan to create a massive reservoir is a major engineering project and was not part of the original scheme. If it breaches, it could cause extensive flooding and potential loss of life

  • The reservoir will be filled with effluent-rich water during periods of high rainfall. Logic dictates that if the outflow is slower than the inflow, the reservoir will fill up. In that case, where will the floodwater go?

  • Developers have ignored their own consultants' predictions that parts of the site are still at risk of flooding up to 2 meters in depth, making the site unusable

  • Any flood storage scheme will function as a reservoir, requiring ongoing regulation and maintenance by site owners. The ‘reservoir’ will still be an earth bund with “engineering fill.”

  • Developers boldly claim the development will “reduce” flood likelihood. We await with interest to see what the Environment Agency's review makes of this


  • Noise pollution: the developer is saying that it will cause a greater than 10db increase in noise, which will be noticeable to residents, impacting mental and physical health. WNC Environmental Health say the development should aim for "no" impact rather than "low" impact

  • Light pollution: both from permanent building lighting and from vehicle lighting will be a similar contributor to the poorer mental and physical well-being of residents and effects on wildlife in the Ouse Valley

  • Air pollution: emissions from 3,000 HGV movements per day plus increased traffic from employees accessing the site

  • Visual pollution: will be visible for miles

  • No plan to deal with contamination in spite of previous planning refusal, other than the developer will stop proceedings if they discover contamination at a later date

  • Proposed vehicle washing station on site could lead to further river contamination

  • Construction impacts not properly described


  • Destruction of wildlife habitat – bats, badgers, deer, fox, newts, grass snakes, frogs, toads, barn owls, woodpeckers and other birdlife

  • Otters have been seen in the Great Ouse at the foot of the site, and sightings are markedly increased in recent years

  • Potential river pollution could have a catastrophic effect on the local wildlife along the adjacent river and flood plain

  • The most recent survey identified 59 scarce or threatened invertebrate species, and 46 priority species of bee, potentially of National Significance. They state that with the development, significant impacts cannot be avoided, therefore compensatory habitat is required

  • Replacing planting may take decades or centuries to provide the quality of habitat if boundary hedges and trees are destroyed

  • Developers admit that significant impacts cannot be avoided. They claim the rare mosaic habitat of insects and wildlife can be relocated to the new park, despite previously dismissing it as poor, low-quality land.

Country Park Bribe

  • A Country Park where there are already open fields! The existing natural environment will be disturbed to create something that is already there

  • The proposed Flood Storage Area and dam to alleviate flooding would also mean waving goodbye to around 50% of the country park

  • Developers propose creating a ‘wetlands’ area to solve the issue of water released from the Flood Storage Area directly above, which may also contain pollutants. Calling this a 'Country Park' is a misleading and outrageous name for a flood mitigation scheme

  • The wetlands area lies above the River Great Ouse, so may well affect flooding in the area

  • Attenuation ponds’ will be used all year round and reach capacity at times of flood, The Environment Agency have unanswered questions on the capacity of the ponds and their ability to retain the water

  • There is no parking​ for the Country Park and limited access, which would increase parking on Old Stratford roads

  • There is no long term plan for who will manage the park in perpetuity


  • There are still no small or medium-sized buildings to encourage mixed employment opportunities, as requested in the original Local Plan

  • Developer’s own employment claims are exaggerated by about 27%

  • Warehouse employment is in crisis with some of the highest numbers of vacancies ever seen. The work is unskilled, poorly paid and insecure

  • Investment in robots means warehouses can hold more products and process them faster than if relying on humans

  • Uncertain these warehouses will be let, given the number of empty ones in this region

  • There is no need to build on Furtho Pit which will have traffic, flood and environmental issues when space is available 8 kilometres away with better motorway access

Adherence to Local Plan

  • The scheme is contrary to the Council’s development plan in material respects.  It causes significant landscape and visual harm and takes an unreal and flawed approach to the impact of the proposal on the highway network

  • Unit 1 is oversized and designed in a way that is not in accordance with the parameters in the SPD, with consequential harm to the local environment

  • The Development fails to deliver the principal policy objective of AL5 to provide a variety of employment opportunities on the Site to reflect the need for diversity and resilience in the local economy, as expressed in the Council’s economic growth strategy

  • The road infrastructure is not designed in accordance with the policy criteria in 4(a) to provide a new roundabout junction from the A508.

  • There are serious questions about the deliverability of new public transport links to the Site to provide sustainable transport.

  • Flood risk: The Environment Agency records that the proposal fails to address the issue of flood risk in paragraph 6.76 of the SPD. 

Heritage & Archaeology

  • Grand Union Canal Conservation Area will be significantly affected.

  • No Heritage Management Plan for the archaeology sites and the mitigation plan for one site has been made worthless by the developers changing their flood alleviation plans

  • No regard has been paid to the change in view from Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Heritage Assets in the area

  • The Environmental Statement, presents a limited discussion of the historical development of the western half of the proposed development site; the development of the eastern half of the proposed development area is omitted from this discussion

  • The proposal conflicts with WNC Joint Core Strategy - It fails to protect and conserve the natural environment or built heritage, and certainly does nothing to enhance those assets

  • The size, siting, scale, and design of the proposed employment buildings will result in unacceptable significant adverse impacts on local landscape character, views and visual amenity

  • By their own admission the developers acknowledge that for the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area there would be a significant negative effect arising from the change in character of the land

Writing your objection letter

It is essential that you use your own wording as much as possible when writing your objection letter. We are not providing a letter template for objections as we have been advised that duplicate letters will only be counted as one letter. For more advice on writing your letter, click on the link below:


Further action - "What more can I do?"

You can also write to your local Councillors, Planning Committee members and local MP with your concerns. Every letter will make a difference. Click on the link below for more information and list of contacts:

  • Grand Union Canal Conservation Area will be significantly affected.

  • No Heritage Management Plan for the archaeology sites and the mitigation plan for one site has been made worthless by the developers changing their flood alleviation plans

  • No regard has been paid to the change in view from Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Heritage Assets in the area

  • The Environmental Statement, presents a limited discussion of the historical development of the western half of the proposed development site; the development of the eastern half of the proposed development area is omitted from this discussion

  • The proposal conflicts with WNC Joint Core Strategy - It fails to protect and conserve the natural environment or built heritage, and certainly does nothing to enhance those assets

  • The size, siting, scale, and design of the proposed employment buildings will result in unacceptable significant adverse impacts on local landscape character, views and visual amenity

  • By their own admission the developers acknowledge that for the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area there would be a significant negative effect arising from the change in character of the land


There is a need for limited development in the rural area but aims to ensure that the scale of this development is consistent with the objective of meeting local needs and supporting local services.”

West Northants Council Local Plan Part 1

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Object/Comment on Planning Application at WNC
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