The applicant has recently submitted new documents in February 2025. The deadline for comments/objections has been updated to March 30th 2025. However, all objections will still be considered up until the decision date (as yet unknown). Even if you have already submitted an objection, it is important that you do so again based on the revised planning documents.
In the opening statement made by Saira Kabir Sheikh KC representing WNC against the appeal by DHL relating to the AL2 development [DHL warehouses at Towcester] she stated 'it is also telling that this proposal has attracted over 1000 objections. This is not a matter to be lightly dismissed. It is a further barometer of the objectional nature of this scheme. The proposal will have harmful consequences for those in this community who will have to bear the impacts on a day to day basis' .
Although the number of objections cannot determine an outcome, a high number of objections will make the deciding planning committee members think.
Full details of the planning application and supporting documents can be found on the link below. (You'll need to register to object, which takes only 30 seconds):
Or you can email to
or write to: Planning Department, West Northampton Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE
Always include the Planning Reference Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA
Below is a summary of the many reasons to object to this unsuitable development. Click on each title for more detailed info.
We have also now reviewed all the recently-submitted documents, a summary of which can be found via the link directly below. (However, your comments to the council should still include any of the reasons in the main section below that you're concerned about, even if you have written previously):
“Ensuring that new development is focussed in sustainable settlements whilst protecting the overall rural character of the area and including the tranquillity of areas which have remained relatively undisturbed by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value.”
West Northants Council Local Plan Part 1
Writing your objection letter
It is essential that you use your own wording as much as possible when writing your objection letter. We are not providing a letter template for objections as we have been advised that duplicate letters will only be counted as one letter. For more advice on writing your letter, click on the link below:
Further action - "What more can I do?"
You can also write to your local Councillors, Planning Committee members and local MP with your concerns. Every letter will make a difference. Click on the link below for more information and list of contacts:
“There is a need for limited development in the rural area but aims to ensure that the scale of this development is consistent with the objective of meeting local needs and supporting local services.”
West Northants Council Local Plan Part 1
Website of The Furtho Development Objection Group
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