Consultant Reviews

From the donations that have been made, and in partnership with local Parish Councils, we have commissioned professional reviews of the developer's application documents. These reviews have found many areas of concern, including incorrect data, out of date methods, and questionable interpretation of results.

We have sent these reports to WNC and other involved organisations, or they have been submitted directly to WNC. You can read them for yourselves below:

Letter to West Northants Council from Richard Buxton, Solicitors AUG 2024 FLOOD RISK REVIEW OF REVISED DOCUMENTS by Water Resource Associates SEPT 2023 FLOOD RISK REVIEW by Water Resource Associates JULY 2023 ECOLOGICAL REVIEW by Bioscan Ecological Consultants JULY 2023 HIGHWAYS, TRANSPORT AND ACCESS REVIEW by Velocity Transport Planning JULY 2023 HERITAGE ASSESSMENT by Richard Hoggett Heritage MAY 2024

Overall, the use of the outdated methodology, the lack of information presented on historical data, the incorrect climate change allowance, and the lack of a clear explanation of the proposed measures for surface water management raise significant concerns on whether the appropriate measures are proposed.”

Dr Harvey J. E. Rodda BSc PhD FRGS

Flood Risk Consultant

This significant net loss of biodiversity outcome squarely places the proposals in contravention of the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework."

Dominic Woodfield CEcol, CEnv, MCIEEM

Environmental Consultant

There is every opportunity that once the additional development traffic flows are included within the assessment of the wider strategic network, including the A5/A508 roundabout junction which has previously been described by NH as being over capacity, the impacts could be significant. As such, the SHA’s position of no objection is considered to be based on a flawed assessment."

Mark Kirby, Associate Director,

Velocity Transport Planning

The fact that they're proposing something that falls under the ambit of the safety requirements of the Reservoirs Act, simply to try and overcome a drainage management problem, exemplifies why this is not an appropriate site for what they are proposing."

Dominic Woodfield CEcol, CEnv, MCIEEM

Environmental Consultant

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