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FDOG February Update

IMPORTANT: New Environmental Impact Assessment Updates

New documents have been uploaded to the Planning Portal by Framptons. 

At the time of writing we are still reviewing everything to be able to update you with our next steps. We are asking for help to review the new submissions. If you can assist with reading documents so that we can update the website, please contact us at the email address below.

Action Required:
Everyone will need to submit objections/comments again, even if you have already done so. The deadline for submitting objections has been set as March 15th. We hope that by early March we will have reviewed everything, so please check our website and facebook page for updates on what has been submitted, ways to comment on this, and viable reasons for objection. 

We remain committed to do all we can to save this part of the countryside from over-development; to save our local roads from heavy traffic congestion and to let the council know this is simply the wrong development in the wrong place.
Thank you for your continued support!

In other news from Towcester, the appeal against the council's decision to reject the DHL warehouse development started on February 18th. The closing date is March 20th and the final decision will be made at the end of April. We are following the proceedings closely and wish the ‘Save Towcester Now’ group the best of luck. They’ve invested a lot of hard work into saving the character of their historic town and surrounding countryside, and we really hope for a favourable outcome.

For updates keep checking this website and
our facebook page:

Or if you can help in any way please contact us at 

FDOG January Update

Happy new year to all, and let’s hope for a drier 2025! At the time of writing, the waters are receding from the flood plains of the Great Ouse, the fourth flooding in as many months. The heavy rains of the past two years have brought an unprecedented frequency of flooding to this area. The photos here show the Furtho site badly flooded following storm Bert at the end of November, when the Dogsmouth Brook burst its banks.

Immediately below the site, the flood plains of the Great Ouse were once again completely underwater. Flooding was at near record levels, with roads impassable and properties in Stony Stratford, Old Stratford and Wolverton Mill threatened. We continue to send images of local flooding to the Environment Agency as evidence.

The sobering fact is that climate change predictions on rainfall patterns appear now to be reality, with increased, extreme flooding across the country. Quite simply, it would be madness to allow more development on flood-prone areas, especially that on the scale proposed at Furtho.

Despite this, plans for development on the flood plain are still being approved. In early December the local council’s decision to reject The Meadows housing development in Old Stratford was overturned on appeal, with recent worsening flood levels not taken into account! The housing development is planned on land next to the river which regularly floods, which will inevitably exacerbate flooding in the area. 

At Towcester, DHL have also announced they will appeal the decision to reject the huge warehouse development to the north of the town. The appeal will be heard from February 18th and the ‘Save Towcester Now’ group are busy preparing for this. As this development faces many of the same issues as the one at Furtho - particularly in terms of increased traffic congestion and visual impact - we will be following the appeal process closely, and hope that the appeal is unsuccessful. 

All of this means we need to stay ahead of the game and be very prepared for whenever Furtho goes to the Planning Committee. This may well involve engaging further expertise, so please don’t forget funds are always needed. 

Once again, we welcome any supporters who can help us raise money, organise local events or give their time in any capacity to help on our campaign. For more information, please send us an email: or visit

FDOG November Update

As we approach the end of 2024, we have been reflecting that it has been well over a year since the last application documents were submitted by the developers (August 2023) and the target decision date posted on WNC’s planning portal is now long past (31st October 2024).  Whilst we don’t know for sure, the most likely reasons for the delay are the objections raised by the Environment Agency relating to flooding and the Wildlife Trust relating to ecology.  Whilst the application is in the doldrums, FDOG have remained vigilant and active in our opposition to the proposals. 


Since our last update, we have sent a further letter to all members of the Strategic Planning Committee urging them to dismiss the proposals.  A copy of this correspondence was sent to all Parish Councils in the vicinity, our Ward Councillor, Ian McCord, and MP, Sarah Bool.  A copy of it can be found here:

We were also approached by James Soper, prospective council candidate for Deanshanger Ward who was keen to visit the Furtho site and hear our objections to the proposed development.  He was very aware of the strength of feeling against the development and is keen to support us and help us where he can.  We of course welcome any other candidates who wish to meet with us to understand the community’s objections. We also met with members of the Save Towcester Now campaign to discuss tactics. 


Lastly, we’d like to thank Cosgrove village for generously donating all proceeds from their Christmas Fair entry fee and raffle towards our campaign, and one kind Cosgrove villager has also offered proceeds from her stall at the Yardley Gobion Christmas Fair.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us during 2024 and we wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas.

We continue to work on ways to oppose the development and to raise funds, and welcome any supporters who can help us raise money or organise an event in their local area. For more information, please send us an email: or visit

FDOG October Update

Flood season came early this year, and we have once again experienced severe flooding in the area. The Furtho Development Objection Group was ‘flooded’ with photos and drone footage of the excess water.  This was the highest flooding we’ve seen since Christmas Eve 2020 and there can be no doubt that these exceptionally high floods are becoming more frequent.  We are collating the photographic evidence to ensure that the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority and the Planning Officer can be in no doubt that we need the flood zones to do their job.  Building on flood plains and flood zones means that the excess water has to go somewhere.  The nine enormous warehouses being constructed on the flood zone at Furtho can surely only exacerbate the problem.

See below just some of the photos that were shared with us:

West Northants Council appears to be taking the issue seriously with Cllr Adam Brown, Leader of WNC quoted as saying ‘it’s clear that we are receiving more frequent instances of extreme weather which is affecting our residents and businesses, and all agencies need to work together to prioritise how we address this’.  The solution seems obvious to us - STOP BUILDING ON FLOOD ZONES!

Some of us were lucky enough to see a rare and amazing display of the northern lights earlier in the month, with the sky changing colours from green to pink.  We were also sent photos of the aurora from the flood plain looking towards the proposed warehouse development at Furtho.  Undoubtedly it would not have been as spectacular had there been the light pollution that will come with a 24 hour warehouse operation.

In our last update we mentioned that the DHL warehouse planning application (AL1) was refused by the Strategic Planning Committee on 10 September 2024. The Save Towcester Now campaign clearly had strength in numbers and expertise to support their case.  If you would like to get involved in FDOG and have expertise in planning, law, traffic, hydrology, ecology, fundraising or any other area that could help us, or even if you don’t have expertise but would be willing to lend a hand by attending your local Parish or Town Council meeting occasionally and keeping us updated, we would love to hear from you.

FDOG September Update

With holidays over the campaign is back in full swing. At the time of writing, no new planning documents have been submitted to the planning portal, but we do have some news to share. 

Firstly, the planning solicitor who we engaged some time ago has now reviewed every aspect of the proposed development and written to the planning department, outlining the many concerns and pitfalls within the proposals. A copy of the full letter can now be found on our website here:

The other piece of very encouraging recent news was the decision of WNC’s Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to reject the proposed DHL warehouse development further up the A5 at Towcester, citing its inappropriateness for the historic town and surrounding countryside. The ‘Save Towcester Now’ group have campaigned against this monstrous development (comprising three enormous warehouses) for the past three years. Several people - including MP for South Northants, Sarah Bool - spoke at the SPC meeting, with strong arguments against the development that will be relevant when Furtho goes to the SPC. This victory for Towcester has strengthened FDOG’s resolve and determination to fight on. 

On to fundraising and more good news: Back in July a local beekeeper - Steve from ‘5 Hives Honey’- very generously offered to donate all of this year’s honey to raise funds for our campaign. He is supporting us because his bees forage on the many wildflowers of the land at Furtho. So far he has raised over £500, and still has plenty more honey to sell.  We’d like to say a very heartfelt thank you to Steve!  If you’d like to buy some really tasty, pure local honey (and help save our local wildflower meadows at the same time) you can buy from Cosgrove Park Stores, The Barley Mow in Cosgrove, or call Steve on 07976 242 570 to collect from Cosgrove. 

We continue to work on ways to fight the development and to raise funds, and welcome any supporters who can help us raise money or organise an event in their local area. For more information, please send us an email: or

FDOG August 2024 Update

We hope that you have all had a fantastic summer and enjoyed the sunshine, when it finally arrived.  Since our last update, (and at the time of writing) there have been no additional planning documents submitted to the Planning Portal.  As far as we know, the Environment Agency and Wildlife Trust continue to uphold their objections to the planned development.

This has given the FDOG team a well earned break over the summer, but we still have a few pieces of news to share with you.  As you know, our ongoing fundraising efforts aim to secure expert advice, ensuring that we’re well prepared to challenge any new proposals that may arise. 

At the end of June, we held our most recent NoWare music fundraiser in Old Stratford and we would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all who supported us, including the fantastic bands - Top Banana and Liquid Cooled.  Special thanks also go to Barry and JoJo’s for their delicious catering, all our hard-working volunteers and of course everyone who bought tickets, came along and made it a memorable night. A big thanks also to all the businesses who donated some amazing prizes for our raffle: MK Breakers Basketball Club; One Salon, Stony; The Barley Mow, Cosgrove; Alliance Francais Language Centre; Abbey Hill Pirate Golf and Chris Bird, Photographer. We raised just under £1000.

We can also share that Stony Stratford Town Council has very generously authorised a further £500 to support our campaign. They are concerned about potential increased flooding in the town if the warehouse development adjacent to the A508/A5 roundabout is approved. We are incredibly grateful for this support.  We have been working closely with a Planning Consultant and Stony Stratford have met some of the consultant’s fees. We have also been working with a legal adviser who has identified several flaws in the planning documents.  A letter has been sent on our behalf to the Planning Office at West Northants Council (though we have yet to see it uploaded onto the Planning Portal).

Lastly, we recently met with Sarah Bool, the newly elected MP for South Northants.  As a commercial lawyer, Sarah has professional knowledge of how the planning system works and therefore how best to combat it.  Having visited the site earlier in the summer, she agrees that there are significant ‘gaps’ in the proposals and is happy to lend her support going forward as an industry expert.


It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; this website explains how to do this. 

All of us on the FDOG Steering Committee appreciate your continued support and encouragement.  Keep it coming! For more information, please send us an email: or visit

June 2024 Update

It seems there’s no rest for the wicked, or the tireless Furtho Development Objection Group, and June has been another busy month.  No sooner had the deadline for the West Northants Council’s emerging Local Plan passed, (we commented and we hope you did too), the general election was announced.  We have already been contacted by three of the parliamentary candidates and had a site visit with Labour candidate, Cllr Rufia Ashraf, who said that she found ‘the arguments against this proposed development so compelling’. We also have visits planned with Lib Dem candidate, Stewart Tolley and Conservative candidate, Sarah Bool; we would welcome hearing from other candidates. 


We have also been raising awareness about the size and scale of the proposed warehouses and the impact they will have on local residents.  We had a stall at both the Riverside Big Lunch in Stony Stratford and the D-Day event in Old Stratford.  By the time The Old Mail is published, we hope also to have been present at Castlethorpe Duck Race. It lifts our spirits to talk to people face to face and to hear how they are supportive of the campaign. However, we do also meet a number of people who say ‘there’s no point in objecting, it will go ahead anyway’.  If there had been no opposition, the warehouses would probably be in situ by now. But there IS very strong and valid opposition, both from all the Parish and Town Councils in the area and from almost 3,000 residents who have taken the time to object. We at FDOG are PASSIONATE about keeping people informed to give EVERYONE the chance to have a say.  If the warehouses are approved, the area will be changed forever, so let’s do all we can to stop it NOW. 

So what happens next?  The likelihood is that the developers will submit new proposals that will have to go through another round of public consultation.  We don’t know when this will happen, but we do know that the Target Decision Deadline date is 31st October 2024, so it could be any time soon. We want to be in a strong position to challenge the new proposals again whenever they materialise which is why we are continuing our fundraising efforts, to pay for more expert advice.  In the past year, we have had some wonderful volunteers who have organised fundraising events such as Table Top sales, Curry Nights & Bingo nights,to help us raise money for the campaign funds.  But we still need more, so if you have ideas for a fundraising event in your village, maybe a coffee morning or a plant or cake sale, please get in touch; we’ll support you as much as we can.  More details about fundraising and how you can help can be found on our website.

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; this website explains how to do this here

All of us on the FDOG Steering Committee appreciate your support and encouragement.  Keep it coming! For more information, please send us an email: or visit

May 2024 Update

May has turned out to be another busy month for the Furtho Development Objection Group.  Our focus has been on the emerging West Northants Council Local Plan which is currently out for public consultation and will replace the current plans.  FDOG are very concerned that there are differences between the old and new plans, which if implemented could ease the passage of the Furtho Pit Development and make our arguments against the development harder. We have been raising awareness via our website and Facebook page and have also attended Cosgrove, Old Stratford, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion parish council meetings to discuss their stance on this matter.  Find out more about our concerns under the Local Plan section of this website here: Deadline to complete WNC’s survey is 2nd June. 

We also gave a presentation at the Annual Assembly of Cosgrove Parish on 15th May to update everyone on the current status of the application and what FDOG have been doing.  A copy of the presentation can be found on our website here:  If you missed this and would like to come and meet us to find out more about what we have been up to and what you can do to help, we will have stalls at the following events throughout June:

2nd June:  Big Lunch at the Riverside Fair in Stony Stratford 

8th June:  D-Day celebrations at Old Stratford Community Hall

30th June:  Castlethorpe Duck Race

On 27th April we held our first NoWare Music Event at Cosgrove Village Hall which was a fantastic night enjoyed by all who attended.   Huge thanks go to local bands, Soul Fever and TC3 who gave their time for free, D’Pizza Guy who donated a percentage of his profits, and to The Barley Mow and The Navigation in Cosgrove, and ARTea in Potterspury, who generously donated raffle prizes. Thanks also to all who volunteered to help with the organisation, set up, running the bar, selling merchandise and raffle tickets.  We raised an amazing £1,531.29.  We will be holding our next NoWare Music Event at Old Stratford Community Hall on 29th June with entertainment from Top Banana and Liquid Cooled.  Tickets available from

To help our fundraising efforts, we launched our first Stop3000Trucks merchandising. We now have sustainable, 100% cotton t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies and tote bags as well as quality art prints available to buy.  All profits from sales go straight to the Stop3000Trucks fundraising campaign. Order from to show your support.

April 2024 Update

In our last update, we mentioned the new West Northants Council’s draft Local Plan (LP); this is now out for public consultation - you can find out more about it here  We are all invited to give our views and help shape the future of West Northamptonshire.  FDOG are very concerned that there appear to be some amendments to the new plan that favour the warehouse development going ahead, which we think is an outrage.  Where previously access from a new roundabout from the A508 was a requirement of the Local Plan, now access to the site is specified as ‘from the A508’.  The current proposals show a ghost junction right turn from the A508 which we believe will be extremely dangerous without a roundabout and all those trucks turning. The largest warehouse, Unit 1, cannot be built if a roundabout is required so it seems WNC are kowtowing to the developers requirements.  In a nutshell, where previously the developers proposals were not compliant with the Local Plan, now they are!  

You can find out more information on all our concerns about the Local Plan HERE.

We urge you to go along to your Parish Council meetings to find out about this and make sure your representatives are saying what you want them to. Deadline for comments is 2nd June ‘24.

We are very proud that our work so far has enabled us to stop the development in its tracks, but we could not have done this without the help of your donations, some fundraisers and contributions from some Parish Councils.  We have raised £12,500 so far and we have used this to pay for four consultant reports covering hydrology, ecology and transport; as well as legal advice - all very expensive.  In addition we have to fund website hosting, banners, printing and insurance.   We know that we will need significantly more funding, probably the same amount again if not more, to continue the campaign and to challenge the new proposals when they materialise. 

To help our fundraising efforts, we launched our first Stop3000Trucks merchandising to coincide with our very first NoWare music event which is being held on 27th April ( We now have 100% cotton t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies and tote bags and quality art prints available to buy.  All profits from sales go straight to the Stop3000Trucks fundraising campaign.  Order from to show your support.

Our campaign relies heavily on Social Media and we could now do with some assistance to manage this going forward.  If this is something you could help us with, please send us an email.  If you are able to help or support in any way, whether that be practical or financial, it all helps us achieve our aim of stopping this inappropriate, ill thought-out development.

Lastly, we will be at Cosgrove Parish Council’s Annual Parish Open Meeting on 15th May in the Village Hall.  Please come along to meet us and hear the latest news.

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; the WHY OBJECT section of our website explains how to do this. 

All of us on the FDOG Steering Committee appreciate your support and encouragement.  Keep it coming! This is not going to be a quick fight! For more information, please send us an email:

March 2024 Update

We hope that you're all looking forward to the Easter break, and can find time to enjoy the wonderful countryside that we are privileged to have on our doorsteps. It is still quiet from the developers regarding their plans, but there is no rest for the seven members of the FDOG Steering Committee. It might seem that all we do is ask for money but, I assure you, we are very busy stretching the funds we have as far as possible. 

In the past few weeks we have met members of the Save Weekley Hall Wood campaign. This was the group that was successful in having their warehouse application rejected by the planning inspectorate.  Their success shows that Furtho Pit is not a fait accompli (despite what some gloom-mongers say) and with your support, we CAN defeat it.  We also met members of the Save Towcester Now campaign.  Both groups shared valuable insights and ideas from their own experiences and are cheering us on. They also confirmed that it costs a lot of money to oppose a warehouse development - so we can’t afford to stop asking!

Between the seven of us, we have to date (17th March) attended the March Parish Council meetings at Castlethorpe, Cosgrove, Old Stratford, New Bradwell and Potterspury. Also this month we have had sight of a draft version of West Northants Council’s new Local Plan.  It will be coming out for public consultation shortly after Easter. We have several concerns with the new plan, and will be highlighting them and explaining our thinking to help with your responses to the consultation. Keep an eye on our social media and website, and we urge you to go along to your Parish Council meetings to make sure your representatives are saying what you want them to.

We have also been planning our first fundraising music event, NoWare, which will be held on 27th April at Cosgrove Village Hall.  We are thrilled with the poster, created free of charge by our  very talented designer. We will be selling T-shirts and tote bags with similar designs as well.  This is the first of several NoWare music events in local villages.  If you are a musician, in a band, or know local bands, and could suggest an event in your own Parish, please get in touch - you won’t be expected to do it alone.

Finally, we celebrated reaching 1,000 followers on Facebook - a well-deserved cake was presented to our social media manager.  Huge thanks for her very professional - and always entertaining - job at keeping everyone informed.  Now on to 2,000!

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; our website explains how to do this here.

All of us on the FDOG Steering Committee appreciate your support and encouragement.  Keep it coming! This is not going to be a quick fight! For more information, please send us an email:

February  2024 Update

As I write this (10th Feb), the floodplains of Cosgrove and the surrounding villages and towns are submerged in water for the second time this year - and we’re only 6 weeks in!  It’s inconceivable that the land at Furtho Pit was ever allocated for development, but this is where we find ourselves.  Some people say that the proposed site doesn't flood as badly as neighbouring fields. While this is true, it still does flood at times and the developers themselves accept it may do up to 2m deep. Their engineering consultant states the flood risk goes as high as ‘danger to all.’ Yes, you read that correctly!

This land is designated flood plain and provides the soakaway that we can’t afford to cover in concrete. How on earth did West Northants Council (WNC) find this land suitable for development? Well, one of our enquiries revealed they never did their own research, but relied on information from the developer!

You may have seen in the news this week about another bungle by North Northants Council (NNC). They sent neighbour consultation plans about a new warehouse in Corby to the wrong street!  Residents woke to find a 60ft tall warehouse being erected almost in their back gardens, and they knew nothing about it.  Now it's too late to stop and people’s lives and properties are ruined.  This again highlights one of the reasons we bang on about the importance of attending Parish Council meetings.  Maybe, if there had been more scrutiny a couple of years ago, we wouldn't be in this situation. Aside from the cost of poo bins and hedge cutting and so on, PC meetings discuss very important planning applications that impact us all.  We should have a say in the decisions that are made about where we live. Less than an hour once a month isn't a lot to ask for our communities.

Some more encouraging news about 2 other local-ish campaigns that have successfully opposed warehouse developments in their parts of Northamptonshire.  Near Brackmills, the Government Planning Inspectorate appeal upheld WNC’s refusal for 18 warehouses, saying ‘it would be an intrusion into countryside and the large, bulky buildings would harm the views from towns’,  as well as closing the gap between a built up area and Great Houghton village. Sounds familiar? Then at Weekley Hall Wood, the campaign to stop 5 warehouses was successful - again on appeal. FDOG are going to meet these campaigners to find out what we can learn from them.  What we know already is that it cost nearly £40,000 in consultant and legal fees to achieve their result; despite the council itself being opposed in this case. 

But great things can be achieved when communities work together. Today, wonderful volunteers held a Table Top Sale in Stony Stratford, raising more than £750 for our campaign. Heartfelt thanks to everyone involved. We need to see more events in other villages during the coming months.  Please check the 'Make a Difference' and 'Fundraising' sections of this website for details on how you can help.

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; this website explains how to do this, under 'Why Object'.

January 2024 Update

Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a wonderful, festive break.  Here are our New Year resolutions for 2024, how about adopting one of them for yourself?


1) Join some friends together and organise a fundraiser

2) Ask at least one local business to display a poster (download from here)

3) Encourage 5 new people to follow Stop3000Trucks on Facebook

4) Attend at least 3 Parish/Town Council meetings

5) Share and interact more with Social Media posts

6) Be positive, supportive, and believe we can do this

Without doubt, our efforts in 2023 stopped the development in its tracks and forced Frontier into drastic revisions.  They had hoped to have the warehouses up and running for several months by now.  However, we can’t rest on our laurels as the application has not been withdrawn, and we are expecting to see new proposals submitted any time soon.  So we will need to continue to fight back this year.

In the December update, we outlined how the money we have raised so far has been spent: namely website hosting, banners, printing and insurance. The largest expenditure has been on four consultant reports covering hydrology, ecology and transport; as well as legal advice. Every week, the FDOG Steering Group members give many hours, unpaid. We know many of you have already donated, there have been a few fundraisers and some Parish Councils have stepped up, but we need significantly more funding to continue the campaign and to challenge the new proposals when they materialise.  If you are able to help or support in any way, whether that be practical or financial, it all helps us achieve our aim of stopping this inappropriate, ill thought-out development.

We received some wonderful news just before Christmas that Grafton Regis have very generously donated £2,000 from their Millenium Fund towards our cause and, hot off the press, we can let you know that Stoke Bruerne Parish Council have also donated £500.  This is extremely welcome news and gratefully received.  Thank you.

Finally, we have received a wealth of photographic evidence of recent flooding in this area; if you follow us on Facebook you will have seen all the pics.  We think this is surely reason enough not to allow this development to go ahead.

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals; this website explains how to do this. 

All of us on the FDOG Steering Group appreciate your support and encouragement.  For more information, please send us an email: or visit

December 2023 Update

As we head towards Christmas we want to thank you for all your fantastic support this year.  Whether sharing our Facebook posts, contributing to the fundraising, delivering leaflets, or of course objecting to these inappropriate and ill-thought-out warehouse proposals, each and every action has added strength to our cause and bolstered  our determination.

We have had a much needed, fairly quiet month whilst we wait to see what new proposals the developers submit, so in this edition we wanted to give you an update on our fundraising and how the money has been spent.

The Furtho Development Opposition Group has raised nearly £11,250 since fundraising started in earnest in June 2023. Local Parish Councils have also supported the Group’s activities by commissioning and part funding the consultants’ research and reports. The most income has come from you via the Crowdfunder. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed - we know some of you have donated more than once. We have also received £1720 via direct donations from four individuals, so again big thanks to those anonymous donors, your generosity is really appreciated.

Finally, there have been three fund raising events raising £2020 between them. Thank you to The Greyhound in Haversham, as well as Holly and Bhenji from Cosgrove for organising these. Apart from giving their time, these people, their families and friends used their own money to underwrite and create their events.  We are extremely grateful to them for their generosity and support.

So where has the money gone?   We have spent £800 on internet hosting banners, printing and insurance.  The largest expenditure has been on consultants and legal advice - £5,900 so far and a further £3,300 in the pipeline. Four reports covering hydrology, ecology and transport have stopped the development in its tracks and forced Frontier into drastic revisions.  The steering committee has now engaged a legal firm to look at the findings of the commissioned reports and local planning regulations etc. This will help us formulate further objections and develop a case for presentation to the Strategic Planning Committee.

The events and fundraising could not have happened without the support of the community and their family and friends. This unsung support is truly valued. Whatever the eventual outcome, the campaign has brought the communities together. Everyone who has supported and participated should feel proud. Thank you all, we wish you a very Happy Christmas.

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals, as these will be considered up to the date of the WNC Strategic Planning Committee meeting where the decision will be made.  This website explains how to do this. 

All of us on the FDOG Steering Group appreciate your support and encouragement.  For more information, please send us an email: or visit

November 2023 Update

We have had a much needed, fairly quiet month whilst we wait for any revised proposals from the developers. So in the absence of anything new, we wanted to give an update on our fundraising and how the money has been spent.

The Furtho Development Opposition Group has raised nearly £11,250 since fundraising started in earnest in June 2023. Local Parish Councils have also supported the Group’s activities by commissioning and part funding the consultants’ research and reports. The most income has come from you via the Crowdfunder. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed - we know some of you have donated more than once. We have also received £1720 via direct donations from four individuals, so again big thanks to those anonymous donors, your generosity is really appreciated. Finally, there have been three fund raising events raising £2020 between them. Thank you to The Greyhound in Haversham, as well as Holly and the Mistry family from Cosgrove for organising these. Apart from giving their time, these people, their families and friends used their own money to underwrite and create their events.  We are extremely grateful to them for their generosity and support.

So where has the money gone?   We have spent £800 on internet hosting banners, printing and insurance.  The largest expenditure has been on consultants and legal advice - £5,900 so far and a further £3,300 in the pipeline. Four reports covering hydrology, ecology and transport have stopped the development in its tracks and forced Frontier into drastic revisions.  The steering committee has now engaged a legal firm to look at the findings of the commissioned reports and local planning regulations etc. This will help us formulate further objections and develop a case for presentation to the Strategic Planning Committee.  The events and fundraising could not have happened without the support of the community and their family and friends. This unsung support is truly valued. Whatever the eventual outcome, the campaign has brought the communities together. Everyone who has supported and participated should feel proud. 

October 2023 Update

We have some good news to share! The Environment Agency (EA) are upholding their objection to the development.  This is in no small part due to the hydrology report commissioned by Cosgrove Parish Council and FDOG, which highlighted a number of flaws in the developers’ proposals; not least, the increased flood risk that building on this land (which is a flood plain) would create.  The developers’ response to this was to propose a reservoir in the country park, which would hold 44,000m3 of water. That’s the same as 20 Olympic size swimming pools! We needed an official response and asked Cosgrove Parish Council to commission a second hydrology report with financial support from FDOG and Stony Stratford Town Council.  This second report highlighted that the reservoir would need to comply with the 1975 Reservoir Act and that it was inappropriate for a small brook in a rural area. We sent a copy of that report to the EA, who wrote a strongly worded objection that described the new flood prevention measures as a ‘radical compensatory flood storage mitigation measure’, which will have the legal status of a reservoir and be deemed ‘high risk’ due to potential loss of life if the dam fails.  They also outlined all the areas where the proposals do not meet local and national policy and stated four additional conditions that the developer would need to meet should all the flood risks be resolved to the EA's satisfaction.

In addition to this, on the back of the Ecology report commissioned by FDOG, the Wildlife Trust has changed their response to an objection as our report flagged that a Priority Habitat is present on the site - something the developer completely missed!

Councillor Ian McCord has subsequently posted on Facebook a note of congratulations for all our efforts and at the Cosgrove Parish Council meeting on 5th October, he said ‘that it’s very rare for a statutory consultee to review their position’.  This has given us heart that our efforts are worthwhile and we should all believe that we CAN make a difference. 

The likelihood now is that the developers will submit new proposals that should have to go through another round of public consultation.  We don’t know when this will happen, but be assured that FDOG will be watching closely and keep everyone updated. 

At the Old Stratford Parish Council meeting on 10th Oct, the PC agreed to pledge £500 towards a consultant to review and challenge any new proposals.  We continue to ask for your support in fundraising for the same reason. Our next the fundraising event is the curry night in Cosgrove on 27th October.  Please click here for details.  As I write, 30% of the ticket sales are already gone in just 24 hours!

It isn’t too late to submit an objection to the current proposals, as these will be considered up to the date of the WNC Strategic Planning Committee meeting where the decision will be made.  The website explains how to do this. 

All of us on the FDOG Steering Group appreciate your support and encouragement.  For more information, please send us an email: 

19 September 2023

It’s been another eventful few weeks for the Furtho Development Objection Group.  The latest deadline for objections is 21st September 2023;  you can object again to the new proposals (uploaded to WNC’s planning portal on 15th August), even if you have already objected before.  Remember everyone in your household can object, it is not one per household.   Once the deadline has passed it isn’t too late to submit an objection as these will be considered up to the date of the West Northants Council (WNC) Strategic Planning Committee meeting where the decision will be made.  The date for this meeting is yet to be confirmed but could be as early as 17th October.  If you are unsure how to do this, please read through all the valid reasons to object and how to submit them on this website.

As mentioned above, the decision for the proposal will be taken by West Northants Council Strategic Planning Committee. It will be based on a report prepared by the case Planning Officer who will make a recommendation to either approve or reject the proposal.  Only two members of the public are allowed to speak at this meeting.  We feel it is neither reasonable nor sensible to expect residents to shoulder the responsibility for this case without any planning knowledge which is why we have been doing our utmost to raise awareness and raise funds for this cause. If the development is refused, the developer has the right to appeal.  We don’t - all we have left is a Judicial Review, where we’d have to prove there had been a legal mistake.  The cost of a JR is astronomical - £20k upwards for even a simple case.  So every individual and valid objection made now is really worth the time and effort.

On 2nd September, a few wonderful volunteers from Stony Stratford arranged a stall in the High Street and later at York House to try and increase awareness of the proposed warehouse development.  It seems there are still many who are unaware of the proposals.  Our Stony volunteers are rightly concerned that if this development is approved, it will have a significant impact on this lovely market town, not least because of the increased flood risk.  A few members of FDOG went along to support them and a further 180 objections were sent to WNC.

As many of you are aware the FDOG campaign against the Furtho Pit warehouse development needs funds to pay for the professional help required to prepare its case.  Holly Becks held an extremely successful Tabletop Sale in Cosgrove village hall raising £456.93 for the cause, despite being one of the hottest days of the year. A heartfelt thanks to Holly, her family, and all those who supported the event.

Here is Holly with her cheque made out to S3KT.  The event also saw the first outing of a 1:500 scale model of the proposed development which attracted a lot of interest. If any of you can organise more fund-raising events, please get in touch via email 

You can also contribute via the Crowdfunder under 'Fundraising' on the menu above.  Alongside our fundraising and Crowdfunder we have approached all the Parish Councils in the area to ask for a financial contribution.  In September we received the news that Cosgrove Parish Council were willing to contribute a further £1000 and Castlethorpe Parish Council have pledged £500.  We are extremely grateful for this as we do not feel that it should be the sole responsibility of residents to oppose a development of this size.

As ever, all of us on the FDOG Steering Committee appreciate all your support.  For more information, look through this website or send us an email:

20th August 2023

Following the Framptons public exhibition on 31st July and virtual meeting on 1st August, we've had a busy couple of weeks.  We received the following feedback from our MP, Andrea Leadsom. 
‘I continue to be of the opinion that this is an inappropriate development and the response from Framptons on the call was inadequate, particularly on noise and traffic’.

Councillor Ian McCord wrote to West Northants Council (WNC) in response to Peter Frampton’s claim that the Supplementary Planning Document was unlawful and received the following response:

‘Thank you for the heads up and opportunity to respond so quickly.  In developing the SPD we ensured that the document did not introduce policy and both the consultants and ourselves got legal advice in ensuring it was an appropriate and defendable document.  If the developers felt this was not the case they had the opportunity to challenge this during the consultation and following its adoption through the JR process.  So in answer to your question whether it is enforceable, it is now an adopted guidance document that member of the committee will be asked to consider and dependable if an appeal should follow.  I hope that members, developers and members of the  public find it worthwhile document in ensuring that we get the right development that fits the context of the site’. 

FDOG have been interviewed by
BBC Radio Northampton on 15th August & again by BBC 3 Counties Radio on 17th August.

New planning documents have been uploaded to the planning portal dated 15th August and after daily changes of the ‘deadline for comments date’ on the portal this week, we now have a new objection deadline of 21st Sept.  This means that the earliest possible date that the application could go to West Northants Strategic Planning Committee is 17th October 2023.  However, we are still awaiting a response from the Environment Agency to the latest proposals.


FDOG are working their way through the uploaded planning documents to see what has changed and what, if any, new grounds there are to object. We will update the ‘Reasons to Object’ section of the website with new information as soon as we possibly can.  If you are interested in taking a look at the new planning documents you can find them here under Supporting Documents and search for them by date 15th August 2023.  Please let us know if you find anything you think we’ve missed at and we’ll update the website accordingly.

We're also trying to raise funds for professional expertise to help us review the new documents and guide us through the planning process to help all communities impacted by the proposal and give us the best possible chance of a successful outcome.  Please see our page about fundraising for more information.

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