Writing Your Objection Letter

If you have not already objected, but don't want this development to be built in such an inappropriate part of the countryside, then please tell the council your views. If you have objected already, you may object again since the planners have recently uploaded new documents with updated plans in February 2025. You may object via the WNC planning portal, via email or via post (link and details at bottom of page).

There is no limit to the number of objections submitted per household, and every member of the household may write their own objection. The current deadline for objections is 15th March 2025, but late objections should still be considered up until the decision date (as yet unknown).

It is essential that you use your own wording as much as possible when writing your objection letter. We are not providing a letter template for objections as we have been advised that duplicate letters will only be counted as one letter.

Always include the Application Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA if writing by post or email. You should state where you live and, if living locally to the site, how the development will affect you. You don't have to live within West Northamptonshire to object, as thousands of people on the Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire side of the border will also be affected. We recommend that you read through the many reasons to object outlined on our website in more detail beforehand, and choose those that affect you the most, or are of most concern to you.

A suggested outline is shown below, but you must try to use your own words and not just copy/paste from our website, as your objection may then not be considered.

Application for full planning permission for 9 employment units at Old Stratford, Northamptonshire. Application number: WNS/2022/1741/EIA

State where you are a resident of, whether you regularly use the A508/A5 junction, or any other way you may be affected by the development.


Outline your concerns and why you are opposed to the development. They must be viable reasons for objection and may include any or all of the following:

  • The impact on flooding.

  • The increase in traffic.

  • The loss of wildlife habitat.

  • Concerns over increased pollution and carbon emissions.

  • The impact on the rural character of the area.

These are all very standard objections - we urge you to read all the reasons to object on the website and select the ones that matter most to you before adding them in your own words.

Sum up in your own words why you are asking the council to reject this application.

Sign your name

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Object/Comment on Planning Application at WNC

Or you can email to planning@westnorthants.gov.uk 

or write to: Planning Department, West Northampton Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

Always include the Planning Reference Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA

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