IMPORTANT: New Environmental Impact Assessment Updates - Feb 13th 2025

New documents have been uploaded to the Planning Portal by Framptons. We need your help to review these submissions. If you can assist with reading the documents or reviewing this website so that we can update it, your help would be greatly appreciated. 

The deadline for comments has been set as March 15th.

We will be reviewing everything over the next couple of weeks and will update you with our next steps soon. 

Action Required: Everyone will need to submit comments/objections again, even if you have already done so. We would ask that you hold fire until we have reviewed all the new documents, and we will provide valid reasons to object in upcoming updates. Stay tuned for more information! 

Thank you for your continued support! 

Quite extraordinarily incongruous to its location and threatens significant impacts on the landscape” 

Environmental Consultant

Dominic Woodfield CEcol, CEnv, MCIEEM


Link to Object/Comment on Planning Application at WNC

Or you can email to 

or write to: Planning Department, West Northampton Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

Always include the Planning Reference Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA


The Wrong Development in the Wrong Place

A group of concerned residents have got together to oppose the planned warehouse development at the A5/A508 roundabout between Cosgrove and Old Stratford. The proposal is for a 750,000 plus sq ft development of 9 warehouses, 5 storeys high. The land was earmarked, several years ago, for development as a light industrial zone offering employment and in keeping with the local area. Our view is the development meets none of the above criteria.

This massive development and related infrastructure will negatively impact on traffic using the A5, the A508 and the A422. It will cause air, light, noise and environmental pollution and destroy land inhabited by protected species. It shows no concern for people who live within a five mile radius and who will be most impacted by the development.

We chose the name
Stop3000Trucks for our campaign based on the developer’s original plan for 96 docking bays x 1-2 movements per hour x 24 hours (a truck can comfortably be unloaded in 30 minutes. Faster if it’s automated).  So 3000 was a conservative estimate of the site's potential.

In the latest plans dated 15th August 2023, the number of bays has been reduced from 96 to 59.  This works out to potentially 2800 trucks per day. This number could easily be revised upwards as there is no WNC requirement to limit the number of bays, or the number of truck movements, or the hours in which they operate!  In addition, automated unloading is becoming the norm in warehouses across Northants and nationally. This means a lorry can be unloaded in 7 minutes rather than the standard 25 minutes.

We need your help to stop the A5/A508 junction Warehouse Development leading to massive traffic issues in an already congested area.

Have Your Say

You can use the red button above (and on every page of this site) to go straight to the WNC comments site. You will need to register, which will take 30 seconds. You can then use any of the objections listed on the link below, or use your own.


Our vision is to make West Northants…..a place where we have modern towns but where rural character is cherished” 

West Northants Council Vision Statement

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