Letter to The Right Honourable Michael Gove MP
Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, & Communities
8th June 2023
Dear Secretary of State,
Concerns regarding application for full planning permission for 9 employment units at Old Stratford,
Northamptonshire. Application number: WNS/2022/1741/EIA
You have stated that you want to “re-empower people to decide whether and how their communities should
grow, change and appear. . .” and this letter is asking you to help us with exactly that.
We represent people living in the villages of Cosgrove and Old Stratford, Northamptonshire, plus other
communities in the surrounding area. West Northamptonshire Council are proposing a development of nine
warehouses, plus a country park, on land bordering both villages. The land was included in Local Plan 2, which
was approved during the Covid lockdown, without consultation with residents.
Our concerns are numerous and detailed on our website www.stop3000trucks.org. In summary they are:
At the time of writing, West Northamptonshire’s planning page has more than 1000 objections from residents
and community groups. However, we are in a real David and Goliath situation, standing up against a multi-
million pound developer and not being assisted by the council – to the contrary, they have actively opposed
our campaign.
We ask you to investigate this proposed development and our concerns. We would be delighted to show you
the site if you are able to visit.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of the Furtho Development Objection Group (FDOG).
On behalf of the Furtho Development Objection Group (FDOG).
Letter to Rachel Jordan, Assistant Inspector of Ancient Monuments, Historic England
27th July 2023
Your ref: P01543637
Dear Ms Jordan,
I have read your responses to the planning application with West Northamptonshire Council regarding the erection of 9 warehouses at Furtho Pits, Old Cosgrove Road Application No. WNS/2022/1741/EIA.
I am surprised that none of your letters mention two scheduled monuments and one listed building that will be impacted by this development.
Chapter 9 of the developer’s environmental assessment mentions some archaeology within the site boundary, but although the Roman Villa is noted on diagram 9.1, it is not referred to at all in the analysis. The Iron Trunk and Wolverton Mill are not acknowledged at all. The Heritage Statement submitted (appendix 10.1) by the developer only mentions Wolverton Mill out of the three but overestimates the distance and says that the “lack of intervisibility” excludes it from their assessment. This lack of intervisibility claim is false.
In your letters to WNC, you advised them to consult other bodies but bafflingly, neither of the council’s Heritage Team nor their Archaeology Team include these three sites in their responses. This is concerning to me as all three are very significant to people who live in this area and are integral parts of the character of the place. I ask Historic England to make sure they are not overlooked.
Yours sincerely,
[Name] On Behalf of the Furtho Development Objection Group
Website of The Furtho Development Objection Group
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