Objection Letter Template

For anyone struggling to write their objection, we have created this editable objection letter template (below).

However, we strongly recommend that you read through the many reasons to object outlined on our website in more detail beforehand, and try to use your own wording as much as possible, as this will carry more weight when considered by the council.

You may copy/edit whichever paragraphs you feel best relay your concerns. You should also add how you feel this development would affect you, in relation to where you live, work or commute.

I object to the application for full planning permission for 9 employment units at Old Stratford, Northamptonshire. Application number: WNS/2022/1741/EIA

I am a resident of [LOCATION] one of the villages that would be affected.


I use the A508/A5 junction daily as a commuter and


I am a regular visitor to the area and 


I own a mobile home in Cosgrove and


I have several concerns about this development, including:

  • The impact on flooding. The site is located in a flood plain and is at risk of flooding from the River Great Ouse. The development would remove natural floodplain features, which help to absorb floodwaters. This would increase the risk of flooding to villages including Cosgrove, Old Stratford, and Stony Stratford. The developer’s proposal for a large reservoir would mean losing a large part of the Country Park and add a risk of catastrophe should the dam fail.

  • The increase in traffic. The development could generate up to 3,000 additional HGV movements per day, plus the associated smaller vehicles. This would add to the already heavy traffic on the A5, A508, and A422. The Old Stratford Roundabout is already over capacity and the additional traffic would cause congestion and delays.  The traffic survey was undertaken away from the villages affected and at a time of year when the roads are less busy.

  • The loss of wildlife habitat. The site is home to a variety of wildlife, including bats, birds, badgers, and insects. Parts of it have been identified as Priority Habitat. The development would destroy this habitat and fragment the surrounding countryside.

  • Concerns over increased pollution and carbon emissions. The development will not be Net Zero, which is counter to WNC aims. The traffic, noise, and light pollution increases will be detrimental to the people living nearby as well as the wider environment.

  • The impact on the rural character of the area. WNC’s Vision Statement says that “rural character is cherished”. The development would completely change the nature of the area and be out of character with the surrounding countryside. It would be a major eyesore and would have a negative impact on the quality of life for local residents.

  • [These are very standard objections - we urge you to read all the reasons to object and select the ones that matter most to you before adding them in your own words.]

I urge you to reject this proposal. It is not in the best interests of the local community or the environment.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely, 

[Your Name]

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Object/Comment on Planning Application at WNC

Or you can email to planning@westnorthants.gov.uk 

or write to: Planning Department, West Northampton Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

Always include the Planning Reference Number WNS/2022/1741/EIA

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