
While we are all volunteers, giving our time and what experience we have free of charge, a campaign like this still has expenses to meet.

The money we raised through the Crowdfunder, The Greyhound's Beer 'n' Bingo night, and a couple of private donations made it possible for us to buy this website and the banners, print posters and flyers, and commission / contribute towards the 3 expert reviews into flooding, traffic, and environment.

It doesn't end there though. We need to raise more money to keep the website, more printing & other sundries but most of all, we need to appoint more professionals to take us through the next stage.

Framptons were rattled by our hydrology, environment, and traffic reviews and are in the process of writing their responses. When they submit revised plans (as they are staying to do at the time of writing this, mid August 2023) we will need to ask our experts to review these again. The costs of this are uncertain at the moment, but each of the 3 reviews was originally between £2000-£3000.

The Strategic Planning Committee is where the decision about this development will take place. At that committee, the planning officer, the developer and the objectors (us) are allowed a few minutes to present their arguments. You already know how complicated this case is, we need someone with planning expertise to write that argument for us. We're still collecting quotes for this work, but it is likely to cost around £4000.

Without more money, none of this can happen and we're going to be fighting at even more of a disadvantage than we are already.

We are encouraging everyone to find ways to help us raise money. Through community events, or sponsored challenges, or rounding up your daily cappuccino to the nearest pound, or just by donating to the crowdfunder. Big or small, we need everything you can spare.

Please email if you have ideas for a fundraising event. We'll support you as much as we can. 

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